송아리 Ahree Song
Manifest 갤러리, 신시내티, 미국
2019. 1. 25 - 2019. 2. 22
Manifest Gallery, Cincinnati, OH, US
January 25 - February 22, 2019
Plying the gray areas between Art, Design and Craft, functional art can often appear to be more one, or the other. For this exhibit we are eager to share how artists have incorporated utility into their work, and how designers or craftspeople elevate the products of their labor with skill, sophisticated content, or a high degree of formal or creative refinement. Our goal was that this exhibit would result in a wide range of types of work, all aligning to the criteria that every piece must, in some way (including the ironic) be functional. For this highly focused exhibit 24 artists submitted 58 works from 13 states and 3 countries, including Canada, France, and the United States. Eight works by the following 8 artists from 6 states were selected by a blind jury process for presentation in the gallery and inclusion in the Manifest Exhibition Annual publication.
Presenting works by:
Nadia Belalia, Laura Earle, Blake Kennedy, Robert Levy, Gabriel Mo, Dave Ryan & Josh Gumiela, Ahree Song, Kathleen Studebaker
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